Staff Council
Since its inception in 1992 the Smith College Staff Council has provided a comprehensive communication network for the exchange of information between staff and administration, organized college-wide programs to facilitate personal and professional growth, promoted college-wide discussion of issues through public meetings and forums, and planned extracurricular activities throughout the year. Staff Council meets monthly during the academic year and works to provide all staff with an opportunity for involvement in the Smith College community.
Read the Staff Council Charter.
Get Involved
Have your voice heard!
Staff Council members take pride in listening to one another and know how to get the word out to all members of the college. Staff Council believes participating in change and providing channels of effective communication is empowering. These are core values to our mission. There are several ways to get involved—your input makes Staff Council stronger and more effective.
Staff Chronicle
Check out the newest incarnation of the Staff Chronicle, now with a new online version.
Share Ideas
Contact us if you have any questions about what the council does, or if you feel there is an issue you need help with or that the council should address.
Keep Informed—Staff Listserv
You can add yourself to the staff listserv following these instructions (it's very easy!):
- Make sure you're logged into your Smith College account in your browser
- Follow this link to join the listserv
- Confirm by clicking the blue “Join Group” button
- Choose your email preferences, then click “Join Group”
That's it! Once you do that, you'll receive the staff listserv emails
Serve on Staff Council
We hold elections every spring and are always looking for people excited to get involved. Each Staff Council representative serves a two-year term and, each year, approximately half of the Council stands for election. Re-elected members may serve an additional two-year term, but no greater than four years before rolling off.
College release time is guaranteed for elected Staff Council members so they can take part in monthly and special meetings.
Join a Committee
Staff Council has six standing committees, and any staff member is welcome to participate. To support staff community engagement, the college provides limited release time to staff, even if they are not elected to staff council. In addition, Staff Council recommends membership to all-campus committees. Joining a committee is a great way to be involved, engage, and meet other staff from across campus.
Attend a Meeting
One open meeting for all staff is scheduled each semester. All are welcome to attend. See firsthand what we do and how we do it. Scheduled meetings are listed on the Committees page.
Participate in an Event
Join us at one of the many events held by the Staff Council. All are welcome to attend. Check out our list of current events.
Useful Links
Toward Racial Justice
In this time of urgent racial crisis, we emerge from ongoing planning into powerful action. With recommendations from our Toward Racial Justice at Smith plan, Smith College continues its commitment to transparency, to inclusivity and to racial justice at Smith. Informed by student, staff and faculty voices to Inclusion in Action work, as well as student and alumnae/i demands, discussions with the Inclusion Council and Presidents’ Team, the college commits to action.
Contact Smith College Staff Council
Mail may be addressed to any current executive board member. Please refer to the directory for routing information.
Andrea Fernandes, Co-Chair
Caroline Bertrand, Co-Chair
Jennifer Kennedy, Vice Chair
Laura Campuzano, Secretary
Christine Speek, Treasurer